Ini dia Motor Buas Yang Dipakai Oleh Aktor Hollywood Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson di Film Rampage

Arseen - Rabu, 1 Agustus 2018 | 15:08 WIB
Instagram - @therock
Motor buas The Rock

Ternyata motor itu buatan Triumph dengan tipe Rocket III Roadster.

Bermesin 2.300 cc, dengan power 148 hp dan torsi 221 Nm cukuplah membuat badan The Rock sedikit terhempas kebelakan saat akselerasi, hehe..

Nah lihat aja nih detailnya;


Hell on wheels. 800 lbs. 2,300 cc of hog. We've been prepping RAMPAGE now for over a year. Production finally starts shooting in 4 weeks. This two wheel mayhem causer will be one of my rides in the film. We'll matte black everything and beat it up. It's a little too clean right now we'll get it there. Thank you #TriumphMotorcycles for delivering the Rocket 3 beast to our Ballers set. We shoot RAMPAGE in Chicago and Atlanta so if the good people of those great cities see me riding around on this, then throw a ✌????sign and say "what up Rock daddeh". But don't expect me to throw a ✌????sign back because I might crash and look like an asshole. You guy'll really gonna dig this next one. Excited to make it for you. The quintessential massive monster movie... #Rampage #HellOnWheels #LetsHaveSomeFun ✊????

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh therock (@therock) pada


Penulis : Arseen
Editor : Arseen


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